In-toto Kitchens
Richard Drury
100 Melton Road
West Bridgford
Tel: 0115 981 0808
Opening Hours:
Mon - Fri - 09.30am - 17.00pm
Sat - 10.00am - 16.00pm
Recipe of the breadbaking demonstration
1 part of breadmix (wholemeal, granary, white flour) usually 500 gr
1 part of strong white flour so 500 gr
add a little salt if you like (1/2 tsp)
lukewarm water (double what it says on the breadmix pack) around 600ml
mix all together, knead for 5-10 minutes until is stretches and sounds airy
oil two bread tins, cut the lump of dough into 2, roll out with a rolling pin, then roll back up like a swiss roll, making sure that at ever turn, you tuck in the dough so there won't be any air bubbles in your bread. Put in the tin and leave to rise in a warm place.
In the oven at In'Toto there was a bread proving function but you can put it on the radiator, airing cupboard for an hour or so before you put it in a hot oven (see instructions on your breadmix) mine is gas mark 6 for 30 minutes, In-Toto's steam oven was 160 on circo steam for 30 minutes. Take the loaf out of the tin, tap on the bottom to listen to the hollow sound, if so, your bread is ready and needs cooling down on a rack before you can eat it.
Very quick, easy and tasty, enjoy with some lovely local honey from The Tall Frog and success is secured!