Clumber Road Abundance project

The Abundance season is about to start again.
Clumber Road Stores on Clumber Road is now starting to get the new season herbs and vegetables from local gardens.

Today the first herbs: chives, mint, sage, and marjoram arrived.
Also: Rhurbarb and Spinach beet.

The food in the Abundance section is free, but if you are happy to leave a donation towards seeds and equipment, that would be very much appreciated.

Yesterday a made a simple but delicious soup with the spinach beet.
Handful of leaves (wash and take out the middle stalk), fry one onion and a garlic clove, add the leaves and a peeled potato. Then I added 1 pt of vegetable stock, brought to the boil and then simmered for 20 minutes. Added some milk and liquidized it. At the end I added some pieces of blue cheese (that I had left over in the fridge) Delicious!

For more information about Abundance   contact: